Sword Art Integral Factor How Do You Gain New Skills

  • Sword Art Online: Integral Factor Wiki
    • https://saointegralfactor.gamepedia.com
  • Important Links in this wiki
    • FAQ
    • Card Tier List
    • Mob Drop List
  • SAO: Integral Factor
    • If you're interested in contributing to the wiki, feel free to drop a mod mail!
    • Looking for something specific? If so use ctrl +F or just use the table of contents on the side.
    • 1. Installation
      • For iOS
      • For Android
    • 2. Translations (credits to /u/nkn_)
      • Status Menu and other In-depth Translations
      • Item Translations
      • Stores and NPCS
      • Stats and Skill
    • 3. Guides
      • Levelling Guide
      • Weapon Proficiency & Proficiency Skill Guide
        • Weapon Proficiency
        • Proficiency Skill
      • Enhance, Transformation & Succession Guide
        • Skill Record
        • Equipment
      • The Workshop
        • Equipment
    • 5. Guild
    • 6. Map/Floors
    • 7. Avatar

Sword Art Online: Integral Factor Wiki



Card Tier List

Mob Drop List

SAO: Integral Factor

Welcome to the wiki! More stuff will be added as the days go by, so do check it out once every few days? xD

If you're interested in contributing to the wiki, feel free to drop a mod mail!

Looking for something specific? If so use ctrl +F or just use the table of contents on the side.

1. Installation

For iOS

If you're in Japan, then you're good to go! Just head over to your App Store, download it and play it! There shouldn't be any issues whatsoever. Click here to go to the app page directly

If you're NOT in Japan, then it's a bit more complicated, but here's a guide for you!

  1. Log out of your Apple ID (unless you have a Japan Apple ID, then just login into that.
  2. Click the link to be redirected to the app page
  3. Download the app.
  4. If you're not logged in to an apple ID cause you don't have a JP account, you'll be asked to create one. Don't worry, you wouldn't need to input your payment details when creating, just use a spare unused email to create the Apple ID (it'll be a Japan account! Yay!)
  5. Download a suitable VPN that's capable of selecting a Japan server. Known working one's include VPNGate and OpenVPN, and HotspotVPN.
  6. Connect to the VPN, and you're all set to login into the game!

For Android

If you're in Japan, then you're good to go! Just head over to your Play Store, download it and play it! There shouldn't be any issues whatsoever. Click here to go to the app page directly

If you're NOT in Japan, here's how! (Credits to /u/tufftiga)

  1. Download QooApp from this link
  2. Install the game using QooApp by clicking this link
  3. Download the Hola app from Google Play Store. Click to redirect there
  4. Once done, open Hola VPN, tap on the the SAO IG app and another screen will pop up. Click on the "Access From" and change the country to Japan. Refer to the screenshot if you're unsure what this means.
  5. Viola! Have fun!

2. Translations (credits to /u/nkn_)

Here is a quick rundown of the menu in SAOIF. For right now it's just a quick overview.

  1. The obvious one
  2. Open Menu
  3. Status Menu
  4. Item Menu
  5. Quests & Achievements
  6. Community
  7. Not including the shop
  8. System Menu

Status Menu and other In-depth Translations

Here will be a written rundown of the Status Menu, that includes Player Status & Equipment plus Parter Status & Equipement.

  1. Player Status
    • 名前変更 - Change Name
    • Weapon Types
      • 片手直剣 - Straight-edged Sword
      • 鉾 - Spear
      • 両手斧 - Two-handed Axe
      • 片手細剣 - Rapier
      • 片手棍 - Cane / Maul
  2. Player Equipment
    • 武器 - Weapons
    • 防具 - Armour
    • アバター - Avatar

And that's it for the Status Menu. It's pretty simple!

Item Translations

In this part I will be focusing on mainly items, because there isn't much translating needed for equipment. You can pretty much just look at level + stats.

For the curious: * 左手 / 右手 / 両手 - Left Hand / Right Hand / Both Hands * 上半身防具 / 下半身防具 - Upper body Armor / Lower body Armor

Okay, so now for items dropped by mobs, stuff required for crafting and etc. This is in no particular order and I will have what mob it comes from!

  • 薄い外殻 - Thin shell, dropped from spiders.
  • 吸血牙 - Blood-sucking fang, dropped from bats.
  • タッドポールのエラ - Tadpole gills, dropped from... tadpoles .
  • 堅い毛皮 - Hard skin, dropped from boars.
  • 潤った葉 - Dampened leaf, dropped from... wellit doesn't say specifically but it's pretty mcuh found all around floor 4
  • 赤花果 - Red flower fruit (whatever that is), dropped from... okdon't be mad at me but it literally doesn't say but I think can be found pretty much anywhere
  • 鋭い針 - Sharp needle, dropped from wasps.
  • ボアの皮 - The skin of a boar, dropped from... boars .
  • 小さな金属片 - Small piece of metal, dropped from henchmen.
  • ウルフの爪 - Wolf claw, dropped from... wolves .
  • 堅い枝 - Rigid branch, dropped from treants.
  • 粗い石 - Rough stone, dropped from... again, doesn't say, dropped from mobs.
  • 砕けた鉄板 - Broken iron plate, dropped from kobolds .
  • トレントの木片 - Treant's wood, dropped from treants.
  • 曲がった尻尾 - Bent tail, dropped from those rat looking guys with cloaks (shulman?)
  • 欠けた切歯 - Chipped tooth, dropped from those rat guys ...
  • 折れた毒針 - Poisonous needle, dropped from wasps.
  • カウの軟皮 - Cowhide, dropped from... cows .
  • 乾燥した草 - Dried grass, dropped from... mobs.
  • オックスの角 - Ox's horn, dropped from Ox.
  • 蜘蛛の糸 - Spider thread, dropped from spiders.

This list is subject to change as floors are released, and I plan to have it more structured via floors eventually.

Stores and NPCS

The NPCs you talk to to buy, sell, enchant, craft, etc.

  • 鍛冶屋 - Blacksmith
    • スキルレコード - Skill Record, open this to upgrade / enchant skills.
    • 武具 - Arms, open this to upgrade / enchant armor and weapons
  • 生産所 - Production Place (literal trans.)
    • 生産 - Production, open this to craft armor and weapons
  • 武具店 - General Shop (Although literally is Arms Shop, it sells pretty much everything).
    • 購入 - Buy, open this to buy weapons, armor, and potions
    • 売却 - Sell, open this to sell your stuff

Stats and Skill

In this part I'll be covering key terms in stats and skills so you can know what to look for when you're trying a certain build.

  • 〇〇秒間 - X amount of seconds
  • 自身の「攻撃力」・「防衛力」・ 「麻痺耐性」- Your ... When looking at stat raieses, you will see 自身の and then something following
  • バフ - Buff
  • 〇〇% ダメージ - I.E, "350% Damage"
  • 攻撃 - Attack
  • 防衛 - Defence
  • 最大 - Maximum. I.E, "最大hpが7%
  • 単体 # 連撃 - # of consecutive hits. I.e 「単体2連撃」Two consecutive hits (seperate).
  • 前方 - Forward in terms of the direction of the attack
  • 矩形 - Trianglular attack
  • 小・中・大 範囲 - What size / extent the attack is. From Small -> Medium -> Large
  • 追加効果 - Additional Effects
  • 消費SP - SP consumed
  • 属性 - Property / Attribute
  • 扇形 - Fan-shaped attack
  • 最大HPに応じて追加ダメージ - Damage added based on MAX HP
  • 麻痺耐性 - Paraylsis Resistence (麻痺 alone is just paraylsis :) )
  • 上昇 - I.E, 5.00%上昇 (5% increase)
  • 強化 - Usually followed by a number. The # = star of the card. What comes before can be 攻撃, 防衛, and etc.
  • 〇〇低下中の敵 - Enemy with lowered 〇〇 (attack, defense, etc) I.E 防衛力低下中の敵にダメージが8.05%上昇 (Do 8.05% more damage to an enemy with lowered defence)
  • 出血耐性 - Resistence to Bleeding
  • 弱点 - weak point
  • 打属性 - Knock back? Strike? Will get back to this one when I can confirm it
  • 突属性 - Stab / Thrust
  • 出血 - bleeding
  • 低下 - I.E, 5.00%低下 (5% Decrease)

As I come across more in game and such I will keep adding and revising!

3. Guides

Levelling Guide

Best way to level when you haven't killed the Floor 6 boss in the main quest:

  1. Dungeons. They can be easily cleared solo or with a group and provides decent exp & item drops
  2. Field mobs. Recommended for groups. Gives good exp and drops to craft equipment.

Best way to level after completing Floor 6 boss in the main quest:

Bulletin Board Quests. Head over to the Merchant District, beside Argo you will find the bulletin board. You can choose 2 quests:

  • Fighting together with legendary sword a.k.a Yuuki Quest (Total of ~ 21k exp)
  • Asuna: Manticore Hunt (Total of ~ 22k exp)

Choose the one that you can complete the fastest and repeat it until you reached your desired level.

After completing Floor 7 boss? You will have an extra two quests on the bulletin board:

  • Green fairy's on a diet? a.k.a Leafa Quest (Total of ~ 22-25k+ exp, depending on mob drop rates)
  • Lisbeth: Troll Hunt (Total of ~ 23k exp)

Exp is similar for all 4 quests so choose the one you are able to complete the fastest.

Prefer grinding in party? With a team of 6, Floor 4 Area 2 dungeon is the best as it can be completed fast and it gives ~400kexp/hour & a chance to drop rare materials used for enhancing equipments / skill records

Weapon Proficiency & Proficiency Skill Guide

You can check your weapon proficiency status by going to: Menu > Status > Weapon Proficiency

Weapon Proficiency

1 Level of Weapon Proficiency (1H or 2H) gives you +1 base attack Max weapon proficiency level is 50 for each weapon

          Say a F5 mob gives 15 wexp 2H weapon = 15 wexp to the 2H weapon you have equipped  1H weapon + 1H shield = 10wexp to the 1H weapon & 10wexp to the 1H shield you have equipped  1H weapon = 30 wexp to the 1H weapon you have equipped                  

Best Places to grind weapon proficiency (based on RinRin's opinion & experience).

F1 Quest Plains: Dire Wolves

F3-2: Trees, Spiders

F5-1 First Area: Mummy & Slimes

F5-2 Second Area: Mummy, Orcs, Ghosts

F8-2 'Penguin Area': Penguins

There are usually 2 *rules* which I follow to determine whether or not a location is good for farming wexp: 1. Mobs are crowded (good for AoE skills) 2. Fast respawn rate (wouldn't want to wait 2 min for new mobs to arrive)

NOTE: Having a weapon equipped on Koharu's does not give you wexp. Only the weapon you have equipped on gives you wexp.


  • When Levelling 1H weapon proficiency, do not equip a shield as you get 2x wexp without shield on.
  • Save Martial Arts Texts for 2H weapons as they take longer to level up
  • When killing mobs in a party, you only get wexp from the mobs you have hit at least once.
  • Be in a guild and receive wexp 2x at level 14 skill
Proficiency Skill

You will need RCS, RCM, RCL, and weapon proficiency levels to unlock weapon skills (depending on the skill)

These Release Crystals are not easily obtained and require lots of farm time. However usually there are Release Crystals that can be exchangeable during events.

Wonder where to obtain Release Crystals S/M/L? Click Here!

Enhance, Transformation & Succession Guide

Skill Record

Enhancement * Level up your skill records using Record Frame (L, M, S) * Max out the level of your skill record to increase it's rarity via Transform

Transform * Increase the rarity of your skill records using Record Kits and Jewels.

The colour of the jewels will depend on the skill record.

  • Shield - Yellow?
  • Sword - Red
  • Rapier - Green
  • Mace - Yellow
  • Spear - Green
  • Axe - Yellow?
  • Passive - Blue

☆4 > ☆5

  • Actives
    • 20 Record Kit M
    • 10 High Jewels
  • Passives
    • 15 Record Kit M
    • 25 High Jewels

☆3 > ☆4

  • Actives
    • 10 Record Kit M
    • 40 Jewels
  • Passives
    • ( ) Record Kit M
    • ( ) Jewels

☆2 > ☆3

  • Actives
    • 15 Record Kit S
    • 25 Jewels
  • Passives
    • ( ) Record Kit S
    • ( ) Jewels

☆1 > ☆2

  • Actives
    • 5 Record Kit S
    • 10 Jewels
  • Passives
    • 5 Record Kit S
    • 10 Jewels

All materials used for transformation listed above are dropped by bosses or be exchanged during events

Limit Break * Limit breaking a Skill Record mean to increase it's maximum level, allowing for further enhancement


Enhancement * Level up your weapon, armor, shield by using Glare Stones

Transformation * Increase the rarity of the equipment (max: ☆3) * Different types of equipment requires different materials:

** ☆1 > ☆2 **

  • Refine Hammers
  • Stones (colour depending on type of equipment)

** ☆2 > ☆3 **

  • Refine Hammers +
  • Stones + (colour depending on type of equipment)

Note the equipment has to be at max level to be eligible for transformation

Materials used for transformation are obtained from bosses / hunt events. Refine Hammer + can only be obtained through trading during hunt events


Every equipment you create in the [Workshop]( ) will have 1-3 stat bonuses on them. Each bonus is random and the higher the equipment level, the higher the stat bonus. In equipment succession, you will be able to transfer stats from one equipment to another.

  • A stat can only be transferred between the same equipment type (Example: Sword > Sword, Armor > Armor, Rapier > Rapier etc.)
  • Equipments equipped on you or your partner will not be shown on the succession list

The Workshop

NPC: Workshop (most of your equipment: armor/weapon/avatar/pots will be created at the workshop)


** Character Equipment **

  • Each floor offers new equipment. For every new floor reached, 2 new equipment will be available at the workshop. Example: At floor 7, you will have Level 65 and Level 70 equipment available for creation.
  • Equipments have level restriction. Example: If an equipment says Level 60, your character level must reach Level 60 in order for you to equip it, regardless of which floor you are in.

Note: All materials required for equipment creation are available at their respective floor. For the list of drops refer to [this post]( )

** Floor Avatars **

  • Similar to Character Equipments, Floor Avatars can be crafted only after the defeat of the floor boss in the main story.
  • All materials required for floor avatars can be obtained by the floor boss.

5. Guild

Creating a guild: Head over to the NPC located at the centre of the Merchant District. You will need 300k col in order to create a guild.

Searching for a guild: At the same NPC, you can search (using filters) and request to join a guild.

Levels & Buffs:

6. Map/Floors

7. Avatar

Avatar — - 3 types (shop & floor & event)

Shop avatars can be bought at the gacha shop using Arcana Gems - They can be exchanged for Avatar Coins at the Trader in Merchant District

Floor avatars are crafted at the workshop using the respective floor's boss drops - They can not be exchanged for avatar coins - Drop rates suck

[Pictures of Floor Avatars can be found here!]()

Event avatars are exchangeable during events held in game.

Current list of banners that are/was available in Global: Those with a ℒ means the order is limited and the cards will only be back on the character's birthday

Skill Record Orders:

  • Flowery Dream Order | ℒ
  • Sunset and Night Cherry Blossom Order | ℒ
  • Sky Blue Magical Girl Order | ℒ
  • Spring Mirage Order | ℒ
  • Sword and Wind Order
  • Leafa Birthday Order
  • Ray of Light for Truth Order
  • 7 Colour Girl Order | ℒ
  • Purple Lightning Order
  • Soldier and Beauty Order | ℒ
  • Weapon Type Pick Up Order (Sword, Rapier, Shield)
  • Weapon Type Pick Up Order (Spear, Axe, Club)
  • Flowerly fighting spirit Order | ℒ
  • Refined Ladies Order
  • Refined Ladies Order ver. 2
  • Refined Ladies Order ver. 3
  • Lisbeth Birthday Order
  • Yuuki Birthday Order
  • Bride's Blessing Order ver. 1 | ℒ
  • Elegant Dragon Tamer Order
  • Bride's Blessing Order part. 2 | ℒ
  • Bride's Blessing Order part. 3 | ℒ
  • This Order Features Sachi! | ℒ
  • Allied Knight part. 1
  • 1H Sword Pick-Up Order
  • Allied Knight part. 2
  • 1H Rapier Pick-Up Order
  • Midsummer Beach Order part. 1 | ℒ
  • Midsummer Beach Order part. 2 | ℒ
  • Midsummer Beach Order part. 3 | ℒ
  • Midsummer Beach Order part. 4 | ℒ
  • Indigo Illusion Order

Avatar Orders:

  • Fox Avatar Order
  • Pop Star Avatar Order
  • Wedding Avatar Order
  • Knight Avatar Order
  • Swimsuit Avatar

To be continued...

Sword Art Integral Factor How Do You Gain New Skills

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/IntegralFactor/wiki/index/

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