GET Create Zoomquilt / Sudo Null IT News FREE

I treasured to continue a serial publication of posts about all sorts of interesting self-referring gizmos, and I decided to publish about the Zoomquilt musical style. I did a search, I proverb that there is already one post on Habré. I thought, thought and distinct that I would write a post anyway, merely it will be method, about the technology of creating Zoomquilt.

In the first place, actually about the genre. It's easier to she than to tell.

We approach the picture and instead of at some point interpret pixels the size up of a clenched fist, we see the next picture, recapitulate the routine many times (as a matter of fact, information technology looks look-alike i quite smooth process and if the artists did a good job, then we'll "join" we don't see in the least) and in the end we come to the groundbreaking picture. In general, multiquines, only for artists.
You bet is such a thing done? Of naturally, you can draw it all frame by frame, moreover, some gifted animators would have completely dealt with this. But nigh all existing works of this genre indicate that these are the fruits of collective creative thinking. Usually there is a team of artists, a project coordinator and a programmer who actually puts IT all in collaboration and writes an user interface.

Further close to the technology of innovation. Under the cut a Lot of pictures.

I began to look for information on the technology of creation and I was lucky. I came across the source images of which the very first Zoomquilt consisted. Here is one of them:

Apiece "source" is an image of 1024 * 768 in the center of which is a nigrify rectangle 512 * 384 in size.

Freshman, let's work out the zoomquilt meeting place from these "sources". Let's turn pictures into full frames of future invigoration.
It is clear that the black rectangle in the center of attention of the envision should be replaced past the next image in the name (for the last image the next is the first), reduced to the appropriate size, and before replacing, you need to do the same procedure with the side by side image, etc. It all smells like infinite recursion without a finish condition, merely fortunately, the images are discrete and it is impossible to draw anything smaller than a pel. The black rectangle in the center of the picture will decrease until it disappears completely and at this moment the transposition can be stopped.

Naturally, you can collect aliveness from the acceptable frames.

But it will be intermittent, because only when key frames are involved in it.

For each primal frame, several intermediate frames can be created using estimate.

The net version turned resolute be too difficult to insert into the clause, however it differs little from the original video.

This is all wonderful, we already cognize how to assemble from the finished one, but someone moldiness drawing card the "source" so that all the transitions are so smooth that it is non clearheaded where single picture ends and other begins.
And everything happens, every bit I read it, this way:
First, the visualise coordinator gives one operating theater more artists the following image:

Artists should fill in the entire green zone and should not touch the black (more precisely, they seat touch it, but everything they suck in there will not atomic number 4 confiscated into account when meeting place). Then, when the artists finish the work, from each one of the paintings can be transferred to two artists. Unity gets the picture in this form:

Another therein:

Delight note that the sizes of the green rectangles are the identical in both paintings, because it is the contents of this rectangle that the artist men over to the coordinator (well, or quite, the coordinator cuts out the essential part from the sent picture).

When enough pictures are collected (minimum 2, supreme untrammeled), the coordinator will give unconscious several (probably the strongest in the project) artists (their number is adequate the number of artists who standard empty paintings at the beginning of the act) paintings like this:

Along this circle closes, ouroboros quietly digests the tail, and we enthusiastically look at the side by side piece.

Here is the code that I wrote for this article, IT was written totally about forty minutes happening the knee, so if someone writes in a human way, I testament insert information technology Here with pleasure and gratitude.

          import PIL from PIL importee Image from images2gif import writeGif X,Y = 1024,768 IMAGES_NUM = 46 def render_images(raw_images):     cur_index=0     count = 0     while True:         count+=1         if count == 100: disclose         prev_index = cur_index - 1         if prev_index == -1: prev_index = len(raw_images)-1         cur_image = raw_images[cur_index]         prev_image = raw_images[prev_index]                 prev_image.paste(cur_image.resize((X/2,Y/2)),(X/4,Y/4))         cur_index = prev_index def before_image(im):"RGB",(X,Y),(0,255,0))     im1.paste(im.resize((X/2,Y/2)),(X/4,Y/4))     return im1 def after_image(im):     im1 = im.copy()     im1=im1.resize((X*2,Y*2))     im1.glue(new_image(),(X/2,Y/2))     return im1 def between_image(im1,im2):     im = im1.copy()     im=im.resize((X*2,Y*2))     im.paste(before_image(im2),(X/2,Y/2))     fall im def new_image():     im1=Image.modern("RGB",(X,Y),(0,255,0))     im1.spread("RGB",(X/2,Y/2),(0,0,0)),(X/4,Y/4))     return im1 def between_frames(key_frame, number_of_frames):     step_x = X/4/number_of_frames     step_y = Y/4/number_of_frames     l=[]     for i in xrange(1,number_of_frames+1):         x=step_x*i         y=step_y*i         l.append(key_frame.crop((x,y,x+(X-2*x),y+(Y-2*y))).resize((X,Y)))     return l def crop_image(im):     im1=im.copy()     x,y=im.size"RGB",(X/2,Y/2),(0,0,0)),(X/4,Y/4)     if x==X:         im1.paste(sarcastic)     elif x==X*2:         im1=im1.crop((X/2,Y/2,X/2+X,Y/2+Y))         im1.paste(black)     return im1                  

Thither are all the obligatory functions to create your own Zoomquilt. If something is not clear, ask.
If there are artists who wish, write in a personal, I can be a coordinator, we will make a hubrazmvilt :).

If anyone knows more works therein genre, send links.

Thanks for attention.


GET Create Zoomquilt / Sudo Null IT News FREE

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