GET PrintBox3d. 3d printer in Russian / Sudo Null IT News FREE

Recently I was lucky enough not only to test a State printer PrintBox3d , but also to take care into the workshop for the production.
What I require to share with habrachitateli.

This is non a appliance, information technology is a workhorse that bequeath work for age.
Unlike consumers of "home" models, our customer is a professional or an amateur, merely with high requirements for print quality, ready to cover with software and to whom accuracy and performance are to a greater extent important than widget and design.

- 2 motors on the Z axis
- Windward impervious frame
- Own hoofer efferent controllers settled on developments for industrial CNCs
- More give up parts

Circumspection! Lots of aluminum!

When designing the printer, we laid the foundation for the design of a good simple machine

General form

( pictured is the very eldest prototype printer )

BUILDING AREA SIZE 185 × 160 × 150 MM
Mark MATERIAL ABS, PLA, Polyvinyl acetate, OTHER
PRINT Result (Micrometer) 50 (0.05mm)
Impress SPEED UP TO 30 CM ^ 3 / HOUR


The pressman runs on open source software (Cura, Slic3R, and Repetier-Host).
For the gadget of users, the pressman developers translated the Cura plan into Russian. (for which they respect)


"A discriminating printer, in our understanding, begins with a frame". The

truth of a printing machine (positioning a mark head) begins with a frame. The reliability of the design allows it to withstand even "extreme transport" (Russian Post).

(In terms of its prevalence in the Earth's crust, aluminum takes the 1st position among metals and the 3rd place among elements, endorsement only to oxygen and silicon. The mass assiduousness of aluminum in the Earth's crust according to assorted researchers is estimated to make up from 7.45 to 8.14%).

(In the body of an adult, ahead to 140 Mg of aluminum is present. The every day requirement of an adult in aluminum is estimated at 2.45 mg.).

(The oldest item, containing 85% aluminum, dates from the 3rd century AD)

"Our difference from existence leadership is based on a reigning frame . "

(Aluminum compounds are found non alone connected Earthly concern, but also on the Moonshine and Mars. Aluminum is found even in apples - improving to 150 mg / kg.)

8 mm of pure aluminum.

(The first product made of aluminum was a rattle made for the European nation Napoleon III in the 50s of the 19th century).


What ensures the set / movement of the print drumhead / platform (guides) are of 3 types - a screw, a cylinder or a rail.
Screw guides are slow and are ill-used mainly for positioning on the Z axis.
The briny load for speed and precise crusade lies with either the cylinders OR the rail.
The developers of PrintBox3d opted for rail, as "Thither are lone 2 fulcrum points for cylinders and there wealthy person been cases where the cylinders bend, for the rail gunpoint of support - all 2 cm and the lifespan life of the rails is greater than that of the cylinder." The

resource of the rail is high than that of the cylinders.

Support points all 2 cm.

Precise milling on a CNC simple machine = precise and inflexible construction.


Atomic number 13 is stronger than shaping, glass, textolite. Yes, and he has meliorate thermal conductivity.

Aluminum political platform with flexible tooshie bulle. The size of the smoke is smaller than the size of the platform - 15x15 Cm.
But, due to the good energy conductivity of aluminum, the heating of the weapons platform is dedifferentiated.

Horizon adjustment (platform calibration) is finished manually with screws, it is done 1 time in production (mounting rigidity and design features allow you to configure one time and for a long time.)


There is arduino as a instrument panel - simply each motor has its own stepper causative controller (this allows better to suppress inertia, function at higher powers.)

Each motor has its own controller (total 4 controllers, call up that we take 2 motors along the Z axis .)

Fuse. Saves. (These are Russian sockets)

Controllers are of their personal figure and own production.

Comparison red - Russian comptroller, blue - Chinese controller.

There are also spare ones.


Large-scale = powerful motor on the extruder. (The inflexibility of the frame and its ain drivers let you to precisely control the heavy part at mellow speeds with a sharp change in direction.)

A compelling centrifugal allows you to push thick plastic direct a specialize nozzle at high speeds and with top quality / accuracy.

Original design - atmosphere passes inside the radiator (round holes in center).

Working prototype (socialist) and the final industrialized version of the radiator (right).

One of the first versions of the radiator and heater - passed numerous tests.

I've seen a destiny ... The

extruder with the cover abstracted.

Gears are made of high-quality European PTFE.
Information technology glides quite a swell, erases very poorly and holds high temperatures.

Non-scratching (crimping) plastic feed initialise, which allows printing with very thin nozzles at high speed. The
plastic is clamped and pulled into the jam between the gears.
In conventional printers, the formative is pushed by the teeth and, due to this, is scratched and deformed, which introduces a distortion in the speed / truth of printing, here the plastic is not pushed by the teeth, just squeezed from all sides. Atomic number 3 a lead, the absence of "artifacts" and "spaces".

A peck of little things

Because production is located in USS, there are many parts on this side of the frame in. (Has anyone tried to gravel a spare extruder / component for Replicator operating theater Solidoodle from the USA / Germany / Netherlands / China?)


The largest number of fans.

cable television channel for securing wires to the extruder.

Own gear mechanism production for extruder.

Extreme angles

Extraordinary of the distinguishing features is printing at an immoderate angle without supports.
This figure is printed without supports - the mentum and the back of the head are printed almost overhang.

If a "foreign" 3D printer breaks weak (although 3D printers split up rattling seldom) then IT will need to follow sent for warranty repair to Germany / USA, and and then wait for it spine. Read well-nig speed of bringing from abroad present .
For a Russian printer, this period is bated (not six months, just weeks).

cable channel for securing wires to the extruder.

All printers pass control ahead being sent to the client - several details are printed on them. In the photo in that location is a
point for checking the evenness of the table and the truth of the laying of layers.

We appear at the 3D printer as a working tool

Publish model

P.S. Great TED video motivative to create instead of intense.
I also want to utter my gratitude to the creators of 3D printers for their contribution to the cause of the "creators" and for the opportunity to "spy" a bit on this mental process.


GET PrintBox3d. 3d printer in Russian / Sudo Null IT News FREE

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