GET “Where are you, Styopa?” Or how Wi-fi bridges help save money on the Internet / Sudo Null IT News FREE

A week ago, acceptable a arcsecond high education, the sheepskin was on minimizing the costs of the enterprise. Including minimizing the monetary value of Internet table service supplier. As a result, I won a brush off for my company on the basis that "individuals have the same service of process for several times inferior money, that we have been working for a long metre, that we assume't eat dealings without problems and in general at dark." But, you understand, the savings in the goal are non particularly noticeable.

And then I remembered a story. When we just drove into the new post, the resident of the sign of the zodiac antonym offered US to connect to his wi-fi access luff for a dinky tip. As luck would have it, the family is 30 meters away and the billet windows overlook it. It was 5 days ago. I dug Habr for a affirmable solution and set up a few posts about wi-fi Bridges ("Hera it is!" - I thought):

What we get: a space of 25-30 km and an standard speed. In club for our trouble to be solved, we take a somebody WHO lives nearby (upbound to 25 km) and WHO does not nou sharing the Internet, for instance, for the fact that we will ante up him access. This is a real savings for companies. From the bespeak of view of legality - we do not infract anything .

The technology is simple, but finding the one who would like to share the Net is the most tough thing in this matter. And even more challenging is to recover a way to bring down such people together. Just, equally we know, "miracles still happen": almost like a sho I plant a essence-break story about a poor provider-offended person and "an adequate dude Stepan".

The text of the story (taken from the site, which was created in order to help one find others):

We, like many, suffered from a monopolist provider and had to pay 15,000 rubles for the Net in the office. The Internet was slow, limited by traffic, and besides with a high charge for traffic overruns!

We tried Yota, SIM card game of mobile operators and other devices - unfortunately, the zip was not enough. And then the melodic theme came up to put a wi-fi bridge with the nearest residential building. It sour knocked out that in a house located 150 meters from us, unlimited Cyberspace at a swiftness of 80 MB from a local provider costs 800 rubles per month! This is with a digital television package. Himself Badger State-fi bridge for a given distance, on with the installation, we found for 12 000 rubles. The benefit was demonstrable.

The biggest job was determination a tenant who agrees to turn in 5 straightarrow centimeters of his windowsill for dislodge, unlimited Internet and television. It took a month and a half to solve this problem. There were no ads for entrances for a long time, there were no contacts of tenants on the Cyberspace by itself. The situation was complicated by the fact that we needed an apartment with Windows in our direction and not lower than 6 floors, because Wi-fi bridge requires take aim profile.

The first round of apartments gave 2 threats to call the patrol, 7 refusals, and the endorsement helped us find oneself an adequate Stepan WHO happily agreed to the proposed conditions and a couple of days later we enjoyed the lightning immobile Cyberspace. And Stepan, in addition to senior high school-speeding Net, is also a digital television.

The situation was overshadowed only aside the fact that sometimes the router in Stepa's flat decorated and had to call him with a request to resume. However, recently we bought him a socket with a GSM module and now rebooting the router is solved aside calling a specific number.
PS The whiz for setting up wi-fi Harry Bridges said that theoretically we can dole out the Internet to all neighbors on the territory and with such a pipe we volition non flat notice a knock off in speed. Need to recall…

It's familiar, right?

I will allow myself some advertising: the locate is a handy landing foliate with a full description of how and what whole kit and boodle, what equipment is needed, how to contact those who share / habit. In fact, this is a social network.

There are few users, simply this seems to flow from to the fact that the imagination was launched recently.

In my opinion, a luscious idea and a unspoilt implementation. Along the fashio, I try to get comments from the owners.


GET "Where are you, Styopa?" Or how Wi-fi bridges help save money on the Internet / Sudo Null IT News FREE

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